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All your information at a glance in 'Dashboard'

Regardless of the number of algorithms you have with us or the time you have been with us, you will be able to quickly review all your information from the Dashboard section


Now you have a EURO wallet available within our platform. This wallet will be the bridge that directly connects your bank account and the algorithms.

Your bank deposits, profits, and algorithm stops will automatically send the capital to your EURO wallet, and from there you can activate algorithms, as well as make withdrawals to your bank account.


Do you want to know how your investments are doing at a glance? This is your section!

  • Asset allocation: You will be able to see where your capital is invested.

  • In the Total (€) section, you will see your total investment and the amount corresponding to each of the algorithms you have.

  • Operations will show you the total number of operations performed by the algorithm in your account so far."


In this section, you will be able to see all your generated profits classified into three types:

  • Inactive: profits generated by algorithms that you already have inactive.

  • Active: profits generated by active algorithms.

  • Referrals: profits generated thanks to the referral program. You can obtain more information about the latter here


In this section, you will be able to preview the evolution of your different algorithms all at once, without the need to go into detail for each one.

By clicking on any of the strategies, you will be able to analyze in detail the evolution of each algorithm, redirecting you within 'My Strategies'



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