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How to file your tax return in Spain with BullOscillator.

Hello again!

In this new CryptoTechFin blog post we are going to tell you which boxes you have to fill in your tax return in Spain when using our algorithms.

The boxes that you will have to fill in for the operations performed are detailed below:

1623 - Transaction order number.

This number (1, 2, 3...) will depend on the number of transactions/investments you have made during 2021. If, for example, you have made a total of 5 different investments, you can assign to BullOscillator trades any number between 1 and 5. Please note that all trades carried out by BullOscillator count as a single trade.

For example, if during the whole of 2021 your only transactions have been BullOscillator transactions and the sale of some units of a mutual fund, you can assign a 1 or a 2 to BullOscillator transactions in this box, whichever you prefer.

1624 - Owner of the transactions

Your full name

1625 - Trade description

We advise you to put in this box "BullOscillator".

1626 - Type of asset item

You will have to fill it with a 0 that is for the case of operations with Cryptocurrencies.

1612 - Type of operation

Check X in this box for monetary transactions.

1631 - Date of beginning of the operations

In case you registered the service with us before 1/1/2021, you will simply have to indicate 1/1/2021 as the starting date, since we are declaring the operations corresponding to last year.

In case you register with us after this date, you will have to indicate the date of registration of the service. If, for example, you started with us on 10/5/2021, this is the date you will have to indicate in the box.

1632 - End date of operations

You must indicate the date corresponding to the date of cancellation.

1633 - Transfer value

This box must be filled in with the amount resulting from adding the balance of the Binance account on 12/31/21 with the amounts of the gains withdrawn during the year.

This amount is the result of adding the balance of your account on 12/31/21 and the total amount of gains withdrawn during the year.

1637 - Acquisition value

This box must be filled in with the amount corresponding to the initial investment capital.

Depending on whether you have had profits or losses, you will have to fill in box 1640 or 1638, as explained below.

1638 - Amount of the capital loss.

Fill in only if there is a capital loss. You will be able to compensate this amount with the profits obtained from other investments.

If with BullOscillator you have obtained a loss of 10 and with the sale of shares you have obtained a gain of 20, you will have to declare a capital gain of 10 and not 20.

1640 - Amount of the capital gain

Fill in only if there is a capital gain.

We hope we have solved some doubts.

Of course, if you have any doubts, you can contact us.

Best regards,

The CryptoTechFin team



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