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Learn about the benefits of using CryptoTechFin

In this blog post we want to tell you about the benefits of using our automatic cryptocurrency investment platform.

Our algorithms (also called bots) make buy and sell operations, day after day, 24 hours a day, so you can forget about the market and generate profits little by little. We already told you in another post that your money is losing value day after day.

In the following infographic we tell you the benefits of using our bots.

  • Save a lot of time

Don't waste time checking the crypto market oscillations.

  • Don't waste money on training

Our algorithms do not require previous knowledge to be used.

  • Hundreds of trades per day

Our bots operate 24 hours a day, 365 days a year without a break. A person will never be able to.

  • Real-time decisions

Algorithms are designed to react to market developments and readapt your strategies.

  • An algorithm for every type of investor

Our algorithms are always designed with the type of investor in mind. That's why BullOscillator is designed to maximize your Bitcoin portfolio, while StaticBot dampens market swings.

  • Pay only when you make a profit

We charge 20% at the end of the month only if you have made a profit.

We tell you in detail the benefits of using our bots.

If you need more information you can contact us at the following link.



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