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Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions


1. Parties to the AGREEMENT

These Terms and Conditions (hereinafter the "AGREEMENT") constitute a legally binding agreement between you, either on your own behalf or on behalf of a legal entity, ("the CLIENT", "You" or "Your") and CRYPTO TECHFIN S.L., an entity incorporated under the laws of Spain, with VAT/CIF number ESB88482609 and registered office at C/ MONTEAMOR, No 18, BOADILLA DEL MONTE - 28660 MADRID ("CRYPTOTECHFIN" "WE", "US" or "OUR"), which regulates the access and use of the CRYPTO TECHFIN SL Platform (hereinafter, the "CRYPTOTECHFIN platform") to the website , as well as any other form of media, media channel, mobile website or mobile application related, linked or otherwise connected thereto (collectively, the "CRYPTOTECHFIN Sites") as well as to the services provided through such media by CRYPTOTECHFIN. You should carefully read and fully understand the contents of the AGREEMENT before accepting it. If you do not accept the AGREEMENT, you are expressly prohibited from using the CRYPTOTECHFIN Sites and/or the services provided through the CRYPTOTECHFIN Sites and you must immediately cease using the CRYPTOTECHFIN Sites.


2. Documents supplementary to this AGREEMENT

In addition to the Terms and Conditions provided in this AGREEMENT, our PRIVACY POLICY and COOKIES POLICY apply and therefore YOU must know and accept them.  Some services may have special terms and conditions, in which case YOU will be advised of them and will not be able to access OUR services without having previously read and accepted those special terms and conditions.


3. Updating and amending the AGREEMENT

CRYPTOTECHFIN may amend this agreement at any time by posting the revised agreement on the CRYPTOTECHFIN Platform and/or providing you with a copy ("REVISED AGREEMENT"). In the event that the REVISED AGREEMENT materially alters any part of the current agreement, CRYPTOTECHFIN will notify you at least 15 days before the REVISED AGREEMENT becomes effective, which will occur from the time it is posted on the CRYPTOTECHFIN Platform. If YOU decide to continue using the CRYPTOTECHFIN Sites after the publication of the REVISED AGREEMENT, such use constitutes an explicit manifestation of YOUR acceptance of the REVISED AGREEMENT. If YOU do not agree to such modification, YOUR sole and exclusive remedy is to terminate YOUR relationship with CRYPTOTECHFIN by stopping the ALGORITHMS that YOU may be using and deleting YOUR account in accordance with Clause 22.


4. Acceptance of the AGREEMENT

By clicking on the "I accept CRYPTOTECHFIN's TERMS AND CONDITIONS" box, you acknowledge that you have read, understood and accepted the AGREEMENT. You further expressly represent and warrant that you have full and unlimited authority and legal capacity to enter into this AGREEMENT and that you fully comply with the laws and regulations applicable to you under the legal system to which you are subject.  

   By clicking the "I authorise CRYPTOTECHFIN in accordance with CRYPTOTECHFIN's
TERMS AND CONDITIONS" box, you acknowledge that you fully understand and acknowledge that you authorise CRYPTOTECHFIN to order on your behalf and for your benefit the automated execution (through ALGORITHMS) of purchases and sales of digital assets within YOUR account in an EXCHANGE in accordance with this AGREEMENT.

 The signing of the AGREEMENT implies full acceptance of all the clauses of the AGREEMENT. If YOU become aware of any legislative or regulatory changes to which YOU are subject that contravene, even partially, this AGREEMENT, YOU must cease using the services provided by CRYPTOTECHFIN and cease accessing the CRYPTOTECHFIN Sites.



CRYPTOTECHFIN provides an automated digital service in the form of an integrated platform service that acts as an intermediary between DEPASIFY (regulated under the registration of the Bank of Spain as a provider of virtual currency for fiat exchange services offering KYC, AML, payment and brokerage gateways) and the CLIENT through the exchange of information and the transmission of automated orders for the purchase and sale of cryptocurrencies owned by the CLIENT based on the strategies described for each ALGORITHM as described in the description of the ALGORITHM.

 For the avoidance of doubt, CRYPTOTECHFIN is NOT a cryptocurrency provider, cryptocurrency wallet or cryptocurrency exchange or EXCHANGE.  The service provider DEPASIFY is an external company that integrates a part of its services into our CRYPTOTECHFIN Platform. DEPASYFY provides its services to the CLIENT independently and autonomously from CRYPTOTECHFIN. Therefore, in order to use the services of CRYPTOTECHFIN YOU must provide sufficient information to DEPASYFY via our PLATFORM for the latter to comply with AML (Anti-Money Laundering) and KYC (Know your customer) processes in accordance with current legislation. However, DEPASIFY is ultimately responsible for the safekeeping of the capital, being the only one authorised to make withdrawals and deposits of capital into your account, with CRYPTOTECHFIN acting solely as an intermediary.

 Each of the ALGORITHMS available to the CLIENT on the CRYPTOTECHFIN Platform develops a different investment strategy which is set out in the description of the ALGORITHM itself.  The CLIENT selects the investment strategy that he/she considers most appropriate by choosing one or more of the ALGORITHMS available to him/her.

 Through its account ("CRYPTOTECHFIN Account") the Customer can, to the extent technically possible and in quasi-real time:

1- Place capital orders on your DEPASIFY account through our PLATFORM.    
2 - Monitor the value and evolution of your assets in YOUR account opened on OUR PLATFORM.

3 - Monitor the evolution of your investment through one or more of OUR ALGORITHMS.
4- Carry out capital withdrawal orders from your DEPASIFY account through our PLATFORM.   

CRYPTOTECHFIN may provide through the CRYPTOTECHFIN Sites informational information about CRYPTOMONEDAS + TECHNOLOGY + BLOCKCHAIN and digital assets in general, for the sole purpose of providing general information about such topics. The information may include, but is not limited to, blog posts, articles, links to third party content, news feeds, tutorials or videos. Information provided by the CRYPTOTECHFIN Sites or on any linked third party site does not constitute investment advice, financial advice, trading advice or any other type of advice, and you should not treat the content of the website as such. CRYPTOTECHFIN is not responsible for any decisions YOU make to buy, sell or hold digital assets, even if these decisions are made in reliance on the disclosures provided by CRYPTOTECHFIN.

CRYPTOTECHFIN is NOT registered/NOT licensed as a securities broker, investment advisor, credit institution, investment service provider, or as a company/institution related to a state securities regulatory authority, nor does it have, for any of the services it provides, a legal obligation to register or obtain such licences in accordance with current regulations and the rules and recommendations of the regulatory body - CNMV ( .

CRYPTOTECHFIN does NOT offer in any way services related to cryptocurrency mining; initial coin offerings ("ICOs"); financial instruments; trading of cryptocurrency futures or other cryptocurrencies.

CRYPTOTECHFIN does NOT provide any investment, investment strategy, legal or tax advice and YOU are solely responsible for determining whether any investment, investment strategy or related transaction is appropriate for YOU based on YOUR personal investment objectives, financial circumstances and risk tolerance. YOU should be sufficiently familiar with the cryptocurrencies in which YOU wish to trade and the risks associated with them, some of which are set out in Section 17. YOU may, at any time, stop an ALGORITHM or withdraw part or all of the funds that YOU have allocated to any ALGORITHM that YOU are using through the CRYPTOTECHFIN Platform.

The AGREEMENT governs the use of and access to the CRYPTOTECHFIN Platform, including, but not limited to, the deposit of capital into your DEPASIFY account, the various ALGORITHMS provided by CRYPTOTECHFIN and accessible through the CRYPTOTECHFIN Platform, the withdrawal of capital from your DEPASIFY account, as well as any associated information or content accessible through or in connection with the CRYPTOTECHFIN Platform (hereinafter referred to as the "CRYPTOTECHFIN Content"). 

The AGREEMENT also applies to all communications between the CLIENT and CRYPTOTECHFIN, DEPASIFY and all of their employees and agents who have the ability to initiate or establish business relationships on OUR behalf by any means electronic or otherwise, including, but not limited to, the CRYPTOTECHFIN Platform and the CRYPTOTECHFIN Website.

In the event that the CRYPTOTECHFIN Platform allows access in the future to additional services not covered by this AGREEMENT, access will be regulated in a new agreement that must be accepted by the CLIENT prior to accessing the new services.


6. External service providers

In order to use the services of CRYPTOTECHFIN you must register through our PLATFORM with DEPASIFY, our partner with an EXCHANGE licence in Spain granted by the Bank of Spain, to allow you to buy and sell cryptocurrencies.  In this way YOU will create an account as a DEPASIFY customer.

 Cryptocurrency purchase and sale transactions are executed by DEPASIFY.
In the event that this AGREEMENT is terminated or terminated for any reason, any AUTHORISATION granted under this AGREEMENT shall be deemed withdrawn.

Finally, in the event of non-compliance with this agreement by CRYPTOTECHFIN, the CLIENT may always contact DEPASIFY, the custodian of his money, to proceed to the withdrawal and deposit of his money by sending an email to


7. Services provided by CRYPTOTECHFIN

The CRYPTOTECHFIN Platform allows the CLIENT to monitor the value and evolution of THEIR assets in THEIR DEPASIFY account linked to OUR PLATFORM and to access and use algorithms provided by the CRYPTOTECHFIN developers (ALGORITHMS) as indicated in Sections 12 to 16.

CRYPTOTECHFIN provides an automated digital service in the form of an integrated platform for Clients on which algorithms developed by CRYPTOTECHFIN connect and operate with the CLIENT's accounts opened with DEPASIFY to buy and sell cryptocurrencies in accordance with the characteristics of the ALGORITHM chosen by the CLIENT.

The services of the CRYPTOTECHFIN Platform allow the CLIENT to self-invest, i.e. to personally and individually decide their investment policy by choosing the algorithms (ALGORITHMS) that best suit their investor profile, investment objectives and risk assumption.  Each ALGORITHM operates in relation to one or several cryptocurrencies duly identified in the description of the ALGORITHM, which are its BASE CRYPTOMONEY.

The CRYPTOTECHFIN Platform allows, within the limits of the technology, to know the current value of your investments, although, due to limitations of the technology itself and communications, there may sometimes be a small difference between the calculation of the value of the investment shown on the CRYPTOTECHFIN Platform and the calculation of the current value of your investment. CRYPTOTECHFIN relies on the DEPASIFY provider that stores and effectively trades your cryptocurrencies to obtain this information. For the sole and exclusive purpose of facilitating the client to obtain the funds necessary for the activation of the ALGORITHM selected, the CRYPTOTECHFIN Platform allows the CLIENT to issue orders to buy or sell cryptocurrencies on DEPASIFY without the intervention of any ALGORITHM.

The CRYPTOTECHFIN Platform allows the CLIENT to know the description, functionality and performance of each ALGORITHM before activating it through the publication of a history tested with backtesting and data of each ALGORITHM. These data allow us to know the results obtained by each ALGORITHM in the past, but in no case are a prediction or guarantee of the results obtained in the future as these depend on many factors beyond OUR control. Therefore, it is YOU who makes all decisions regarding the use and allocation of ALGORITHMS that we make available to you.  

These decisions can be made securely through the CRYPTOTECHFIN Platform in the manner described in Section 13.

CRYPTOTECHFIN may, in its sole discretion, modify or discontinue any service or ALGORITHM at any time. However, we will provide you with prior notice of material changes or discontinuance of a product, service or feature, to the extent required or applicable.


8. Obligations of the CLIENT

YOU should note that you are subject to the following obligations as part of this AGREEMENT:

 a. To pay CRYPTOTECHFIN the amounts corresponding to the cost of the services in the manner provided for in this AGREEMENT.
b. To use the services provided by CRYPTOTECHFIN, as described in Section 7, in accordance with the contents of this AGREEMENT and with all YOUR obligations.
c. To use the services provided by CRYPTOTECHFIN in good faith and only for the purposes for which they have been designed and offered to you.
d. Not to use the services provided by CRYPTOTECHFIN for any criminal or unlawful activity.
e. Not to use the services provided by CRYPTOTECHFIN for any criminal or unlawful activity. f. Not to use the services provided by CRYPTOTECHFIN for any other purpose. Under no circumstances to carry out actions that may overload, damage or in any way disable or impair the functionality of the servers or networks or software elements of the CRYPTOTECHFIN Platform or third parties. 

f. Not to create derivative works or reverse engineer any of the services provided by CRYPTOTECHFIN.
g. To provide CRYPTOTECHFIN with true, accurate and complete information, informing CRYPTOTECHFIN of any change in the information provided. Failure to comply with this obligation is of a material nature and is sufficient grounds for the termination of this AGREEMENT.
h. To empower and authorise CRYPTOTECHFIN to formulate on your behalf and for your benefit the orders for the purchase and sale of cryptocurrencies in DEPASIFY that are necessary for the provision of OUR services.

i. To authorise CRYPTOTECHFIN to contact and make enquiries on your behalf to DEPASIFY to the extent necessary for the correct configuration of your account or for the resolution of any technical incident that prevents the correct functioning of your account on OUR Platform. 

j. To use for any communication with CRYPTOTECHFIN exclusively the channels provided for in section 23 of this AGREEMENT 

k. To inform CRYPTOTECHFIN of any attempt to communicate through a channel other than those provided for in section 23 of this AGREEMENT. 

l. To diligently safeguard your personal data and the information you provide to CRYPTOTECHFIN. To diligently safeguard their passwords and API and SECRET KEYS for contacting the DEPASIFY account, preventing any third party from accessing them.  In the event that you know or suspect that the security of your passwords or APY or SECRET Keys has been compromised, you must reset and/or cancel them.  Our customer service team will be able to assist you in this process.


9. Suitability of our services for YOU

The CRYPTOTECHFIN Platform and the services we provide are suitable for clients who have prior knowledge of the cryptocurrency market and digital assets in general and who invest in this market independently and without assistance.  They are therefore clients who are aware of the economic situation, have interest and experience in investments, understand the risks and assume them financially and emotionally.

The CRYPTOTECHFIN Platform and the services we provide are NOT suitable for clients who cannot assume the risks associated with investing, or who have invested or intend to invest a significant amount of their income or wealth, or who have relatively small income and assets, or who do not understand the risks of investing, or who are unable to invest independently and without assistance.


10. Exchange of fiat money (FIAT) to cryptocurrencies and vice versa.
The exchange of fiat money (FIAT) to the BASE CRYPTOCURRENCY of the ALGORITHM that the CLIENT has decided to activate and vice versa, is carried out through the account that the CLIENT opens through OUR platform in DEPASIFY.


DEPASIFY's terms and conditions can be accessed at

The exchange of fiat money (FIAT) to the BASE CRYPTOCOIN of the ALGORITHM or ALGORITHMS that the CLIENT has decided to activate and the exchange of these cryptocurrencies to fiat money (FIAT) is a service NOT PROVIDED by CRYPTOTECHFIN but by DEPASIFY.


11. Cost of the service


The use of the services and the CRYPTOTECHFIN Platform is subject to the following fees:


1 - A commission calculated as a percentage of the profits obtained by the CLIENT through the use of ALGORITMOS in the month prior to its accrual.  This commission is calculated in EUROS.

The different ALGORITHMS that CRYPTOTECHFIN makes available to YOU may have a different commission (a percentage), in any case, YOU will always be informed of the percentage that applies as a commission for the use of each ALGORITHM in the description of the ALGORITHM and, again, during the activation process.

This commission is calculated and paid in EUROS regardless of the BASE CRYPTOMONEY of the ALGORITHMS activated by the CLIENT. The commissions will include any applicable taxes.

The benefits obtained by the CUSTOMER through the use of an ALGORITHM shall correspond to the amount managed by the ALGORITHM that exceeds the last WATERMARK for that ALGORITHM.

 The WATERMARK for each ALGORITHM is determined by the funds linked by the CLIENT to that ALGORITHM.  The initial WATER MARK is determined by the first allocation of funds to the ALGORITHM and will be increased or decreased by successive allocations or de-allocations of funds to that ALGORITHM.  In the event that the CLIENT de-allocates funds to an ALGORITHM, the benefits up to the time prior to the de-allocation of funds will be calculated and, if these had occurred, the CLIENT will be invoiced for the percentage corresponding to these benefits, and a new invoicing cycle will begin with a WATER MARK set at the amount of funds remaining.

Each ALGORITHM will be invoiced monthly according to the agreed percentage of the profit generated in the corresponding month with respect to the respective WATER MARK.

Each ALGORITHM contracted will be invoiced separately from the rest of the ALGORITHMS contracted and exclusively on the profit that said ALGORITHM would have obtained.


In the event that losses occur during one or more months which reduce the funds available to the ALGORITHM below its WATER MARK, no profit shall be deemed to exist until such funds exceed the said WATER MARK.

CRYPTOTECHFIN may modify the fee applicable to the use of any of its services at any time. Any modification to the cost of the service will be published on the CRYPTOTECHFIN Platform and will be notified to the CLIENT at least 15 days prior to its application. In the event that the CLIENT does not agree with the new cost of the service, it may terminate this AGREEMENT by terminating the relationship with CRYPTOTECHFIN, for which it must stop the ALGORITHMS it may be using and proceed as indicated in Clause 22 before its entry into force.


Costs of DEPASYFY services.

As indicated in Clauses Six and Twelve, in order to make use of our ALGORITHMS YOU need to have an account opened in the DEPASiFY EXCHANGE in which to deposit funds for the acquisition of the BASE CRIPTODIVIDES and through which all operations are carried out with said BASE CRIPTODIVIDES as well as their conversion into FIAT money for their withdrawal. This service is provided independently by DEPASiFY, which establishes its service conditions as well as the costs of such services.


Commission for transactions. DEPASIFY will charge the CLIENT a commission for each transaction equivalent to 1% of the amount of said transaction. This commission is charged directly by DEPASIFY to the CLIENT. DEPASIFY will generate and send the corresponding statements to the client indicating the commissions charged to the CLIENT.


Commission for depositing and withdrawing funds from your DEPASIFY account. This fee is borne by CRYPTOTECHFIN provided that YOU keep the funds deposited in your account with DEPASIFY for at least TWELVE MONTHS.


Commission for AML (Anty Money Laundry) and KYC/KYB (Know Your Client / Know Your Business) services. This fee is borne by CRYPTOTECHFIN provided that YOU keep the funds deposited in your account with DEPASIFY for at least TWELVE MONTHS.


In the event that within TWELVE MONTHS from the date of the initial deposit you make a withdrawal of funds, and as compensation for the commissions assumed by CRYPTOTECHFIN, we will charge you a commission of 2% of the capital withdrawn. This commission will only be charged during the first TWELVE MONTHS from the date of the first deposit and for each withdrawal that YOU make.


12. Creation of an account on the CRYPTOTECHFIN Platform
In order to access the CRYPTOTECHFIN Platform and the services provided by CRYPTOTECHFIN, the CLIENT must first create an account on the CRYPTOTECHFIN Platform.  When wishing to make a capital deposit in order to activate the CRYPTOTECHFIN algorithms, it will be necessary to create an account with DEPASIFY. This account is necessary to be able to use OUR services.

At the time of creating your account, YOU must accept the contents of this AGREEMENT, as well as OUR PRIVACY POLICY and OUR COOKIES POLICY.

In order to make FIAT deposits with DEPASIFY, you must comply with the terms and conditions of the platform, as specified at

In addition, and if during the registration of your account on the Platform and prior to its activation, or at any other time we deem necessary, CRYPTOTECHFIN may request information from YOU or obtain information from third parties in order to verify your identity, provide you with the services and access to the CRYPTOTECHFIN Platform and detect transactions suspected of constituting money laundering, terrorist financing, fraud or any other financial crime, and YOU permit us to keep a record of such information throughout the term of this AGREEMENT and for as long as any legal obligations we may have relating to its preservation, financing of terrorism, fraud or any other financial crime and YOU allow US to keep a record of such information for the duration of this AGREEMENT and for the duration of any legal obligations we may have to retain it or to make it available to the competent administrative or judicial authorities.   
YOU agree that the data obtained by CRYPTOTECHFIN may be disclosed to the competent public bodies for the prevention of fraud, financial crime or any other illicit or criminal activity.

In order to create an account as a natural person on OUR Platform YOU must be of legal age, be fully legally capable, not have had an account with US previously that has been suspended or terminated for any reason and be able to, under applicable law. In order to create an account on behalf of a legal entity on OUR Platform YOU must have power of attorney of such entity sufficient to make it validly enter into this AGREEMENT.  In both cases, the CLIENT must be legally able to maintain an active account with DEPASIFY.

Use of your account is personal and non-transferable, and YOU are solely responsible for the activity that occurs under your account.

Under no circumstances may YOU create or use the services or access the CRYPTOTECHFIN Sites for commercial purposes and in particular to operate in the name of or on behalf of a third party.  Such uses are considered a material breach of this AGREEMENT.

If YOU suspect or become aware that a third party has gained access to your account, you should notify CRYPTOTECHFIN and we will endeavour to help you re-secure your account.  CRYPTOTECHFIN assumes no responsibility for any unauthorised or unauthorised use of your account by a third party.

If YOUR account remains inactive, i.e. if YOU have not accessed it for a period of more than six months, CRYPTOTECHFIN will attempt to contact YOU to find out the reasons for this inactivity.  If we have not been able to contact YOU within two weeks or if we have not received a reply from YOU, CRYPTOTECHFIN may suspend your account. If an account remains inactive for more than twelve months, CRYPTOTECHFIN may proceed to cancel it by notifying YOU of this decision via the most recent email address that YOU have provided us with.

CRYPTOTECHFIN may, at its discretion, refuse to open an account, suspend or terminate an account on the CRYPTOTECHFIN Platform. 

13. Algorithm assignment orders (ALGORITHMS)

An algorithm assignment order takes place when the CLIENT indicates via the CRYPTOTECHFIN platform that it wishes to "ACTIVATE ROBOT", "MODIFY CAPITAL" or "STOP ROBOT". CRYPTOTECHFIN keeps a digital record of all the algorithm allocation orders that have been granted by its clients in relation to the different ALGORITHMS chosen.

 An algorithm assignment order that involves "starting an ALGORITHM" or "adding more funds to an ALGORITHM" links the funds selected by the CLIENT to the ALGORITHM also chosen by the CLIENT to trade those funds. ALGORITHMS may require a minimum amount of funds in their BASE CRIPTOMONDS available in the CLIENT's account in YOUR EXCHANGE in order to be activated.

Allocation orders may not exceed the amount present in the Client's "available funds" portfolio.


14. Deposit and withdrawal allocation orders

In order to be able to operate with the CRYPTOTECHFIN Platform, the CLIENT must make a FIAT deposit to the DEPASIFY bank account as described on the platform.

The ownership of the cryptocurrencies corresponds at all times to the CLIENT, being held by DEPASIFY and under no circumstances transferred to CRYPTOTECHFIN.  As the owner of the cryptocurrencies, YOU must bear the risks of fluctuation or loss of these.


15. Cancellations and refunds

The CLIENT acknowledges and agrees that any order or transaction, once marked as executed or completed, is final, cannot be cancelled, modified or reversed.

 CRYPTOTECHFIN may, at any time, cancel or not process an order or transaction when so determined by a competent judicial or administrative authority, by operation of law and, in general, when there is a reasonable suspicion that the transaction may be related to illegal activity, including money laundering, terrorist financing, fraud or any other crime.



CRYPTOTECHFIN ALGORITHMS issue multiple buy and sell orders both between cryptocurrencies and between cryptocurrencies and fiat money and vice versa which are executed by an external cryptocurrency exchange provider (DEPASIFY), therefore CRYPTOTECHFIN does not directly execute any of these buy or sell operations nor does it acquire or sell any assets.

There may be a difference in the price of the asset between the time when a buy or sell order is submitted and the time when this order is executed by DEPASIFY.  This difference may be upward or downward.

This difference (SLIPPAGE) is unavoidable and is beyond the control of CRYPTOTECHFIN.

This difference (SLIPPAGE) can occur both when trading between different cryptocurrencies and when trading between cryptocurrencies and fiat currencies (FIAT money).

SLIPPAGE is more likely in relation to assets or at times of high volatility as their price changes very quickly.  Likewise, it is also more likely in relation to illiquid assets as the shortage of supply or demand for such assets may significantly delay the execution of the order.


17. Main risks of trading cryptocurrencies

A cryptocurrency is a digital representation of value that functions as a medium of exchange, unit of account or store of value, but is not legal tender. Cryptocurrencies are generally not backed or supported by any government or central bank. Cryptocurrency markets and exchanges are not regulated by the same controls or safeguards for customers that exist for investment in stocks, options, futures or foreign exchange. The cryptocurrency market is highly volatile, making it very risky to trade cryptocurrencies.

The main risk of trading in cryptocurrencies is the possibility that the CLIENT may lose some or all of the money invested.  Before trading in cryptocurrency markets in general, and therefore before deciding to use the services of CRYPTOTECHFIN, it is important that the CLIENT fully understands the risks associated with cryptocurrencies.

The actual returns and losses that the Client may experience will vary depending on many factors, including, for example, market behaviour and movements and the size of your trades. Please note that there is a possibility that the price of a virtual currency may fall to zero. Cryptocurrency prices are prone to significant fluctuations, for example, due to announcements of future digital asset regulations or taxation, government restrictions, cybercrime-related news or other factors, which may cause excessive enthusiasm in the market or a disproportionate loss of confidence. In general, the higher the expected return, the higher the probability of (large) losses.

The value of investments and the return on investments may fluctuate significantly up and down and the entire amount invested may be lost.

Investments in early-stage projects involve a high level of risk, so it is necessary to properly understand their business model.


Crypto-assets are not covered by state customer protection mechanisms such as the Deposit Guarantee Fund or the Investor Guarantee Fund.


Crypto-asset prices are formed in the absence of mechanisms to ensure their correct formation, such as those present in regulated securities markets. The prices of virtual currencies can be manipulated, at least theoretically.

Certain cryptoassets may lack the liquidity needed to unwind an investment without significant losses, as their circulation to both retail and professional investors may be very limited.

Distributed log technologies (BLOCKCHAIN) are still at an early stage of maturity, with many of these networks having been created only recently, so they may not be sufficiently tested and there may be significant flaws in their operation and security.

The transaction log in networks based on distributed
log technologies operates through consensus protocols that may be susceptible to attacks that attempt to modify the transaction log and, in the event of successful attacks, there would be no alternative log to back up the transactions and thus the balances corresponding to the public keys, and all crypto-assets could be lost.

The anonymity facilities that cryptoassets can provide make them a target for cybercriminals, since in the event of theft of credentials or private keys, they can transfer the cryptoassets to addresses that make their recovery difficult or impossible.
The safekeeping of crypto-assets is a very important responsibility as they can be lost in their entirety in the event of theft or loss of private keys. Remember that the management and custody of YOUR cryptocurrencies is carried out by YOUR EXCHANGE.


18. Limitation of liability

Under no circumstances shall CRYPTOTECHFIN be liable for damages caused by the CUSTOMER's failure to comply with any of the obligations contracted between them.

Under no circumstances will CRYPTOTECHFIN be responsible for services contracted outside the official CRYPTOTECHFIN channels provided for in this agreement. CRYPTOTECHFIN takes all necessary measures in accordance with the current state of the art to ensure that the CRYPTOTECHFIN Platform does not suffer interruptions, but cannot guarantee the absence of technological failures, delays or interruptions in any backbone network, public infrastructure, Internet servers or Internet services necessary for its correct operation, as well as failures in the CLIENT's equipment or communications systems, nor delays, failures or interruptions in DEPASIFY and, consequently, assumes no liability for any damages that may be generated by the lack of availability and access failures caused by disconnections, breakdowns, overloads or network failures not attributable to CRYPTOTECHFIN and, in general, by the interruption of the service for any reason of force majeure.

Access to the CRYPTOTECHFIN Platform and/or the services provided through it may be interrupted from time to time for maintenance or updating of systems or infrastructure. 

 Liability will be limited to the maximum amount resulting from the difference between the initial investment from which the ALGORITMO starts each month and the remainder that remains at the end of the month, and exclusively in cases where, due to the fault or negligence of CRYPTOTECHFIN, an incorrect or unauthorised transaction is carried out by the CLIENT. In this case, the CLIENT will notify CRYPTOTECHFIN within 7 calendar days of receiving the settlement for the month in question.


19. Internal complaint resolution procedure

If YOU have any problems or complaints regarding OUR services or OUR Sites, YOU should first contact our support department, which will use its best efforts to resolve the problem or complaint.

In the event that our support service has not been able to resolve your complaint, and before making any administrative or judicial claim, YOU agree to use our INTERNAL COMPLAINT RESOLUTION
PROCEDURE detailed below.

If you have a complaint relating to OUR services or use of OUR Sites and it has not been resolved by support, you should send an email to us at with the subject "COMPLAINT".  This is the only way to submit your complaint.

In your email you should include your full name, email address registered on the CRYPTOTECHFIN Platform and as detailed a description as possible of the problem or complaint and the solution you expect to obtain.

Once we receive your e-mail, we will send you an electronic acknowledgement of receipt indicating that we have received your complaint and are working on its resolution.

Depending on the nature and complexity of the complaint we may need to request further information, documentation or screenshots.  If thirty days after the request for this additional information has not been received or YOU have not provided a reasonable reason for its failure to be sent, we will consider the complaint to have been satisfactorily resolved.

CRYPTOTECHFIN will respond by e-mail to your complaint within 30 days of receipt of the complaint or of the additional information if requested in accordance with the previous paragraph.

 If CRYPTOTECHFIN resolves your complaint favourably, it will inform you of the measures that will be taken to resolve it, which must be implemented within a period of no more than 2 months.

If CRYPTOTECHFIN considers your complaint to be unfounded, it will provide you with a reasoned explanation within 30 days.


20. Procedure in the event of death of the CUSTOMER

In the event that CRYPTOTECHFIN becomes aware or is notified of the death of the CLIENT, we will proceed to cancel the account, stopping all transactions and ALGORITHMS that were active.

CRYPTOTECHFIN does not maintain or hold YOUR digital assets, so in the event of death, YOUR heirs must contact DEPASIFY, which manages and/or holds YOUR digital assets, in order to access them.  The external provider's own regulations shall apply.


21. Duration of the agreement.

The AGREEMENT has a minimum duration of ONE YEAR, tacitly extended if the CLIENT maintains funds on the CRYPTOTECHFIN Platform at the time of expiry of the contract or any of its extensions.


Termination of the contract by the CUSTOMER during the first year of its validity may give rise to the collection of the fees detailed in Clause eleven.


Once the first year of the contract has elapsed, the CUSTOMER may terminate the contract at any time, complying with the obligations set out in Clause twenty-two.


22. Resolution of the AGREEMENT

Non-fulfilment by the CUSTOMER: The contract may be terminated on the grounds of non-fulfilment of the obligations assumed by the CUSTOMER.

In this regard, prior to termination, an attempt will be made to ensure that the CUSTOMER who is in default remedies it within 7 calendar days of notification and requires the defaulting party to remedy it. 


However, the possibility of remedying the non-performance shall not preclude the immediate exercise of the power of termination in cases of irremediable, repeated and serious non-performance. 

Withdrawal by the CUSTOMER:

Once the first year of the contract has elapsed, the CUSTOMER may unilaterally withdraw from the contract, although, in order to guarantee the indemnity of the other party, the following obligations must be respected:

  • The CUSTOMER shall follow the following steps to ensure proper termination of the services:

  • Stop all ALGORITHMS that you have activated.

  • Withdraw your DEPASIFY funds through the CRYPTOTECHFIN platform. 

  • Delete your CRYPTOTECHFIN Account.

  • If YOU are unable to successfully complete any of these steps, you should contact our support service so that, within two working days, they can offer you a solution.

  • The CUSTOMER undertakes to assume the payment corresponding to the service that has been provided up to that moment in accordance with the particular terms that have been agreed. 


In the event of termination of the AGREEMENT during the first year of its term, even if by mutual agreement, the fees provided for in Clause 11 of this AGREEMENT may be applied.


23. Intellectual Property

The entire content of the CRYPTOTECHFIN Platform, including all software, design, text, editorial materials, informative texts, photographs, illustrations, audio clips, video clips, artwork and other graphic materials, colour combinations, or any other element, its structure and design, the selection and form of presentation of the materials included therein and the names, logos, trademarks and service marks, is protected by industrial and intellectual property rights owned by CRYPTOTECHFIN or its licensors. The CLIENT shall respect these rights and shall not carry out any activity that may infringe them or make it easier for a third party to infringe them.

CRYPTOTECHFIN and its logo are a registered trademark of CRYPTO TECHFIN S.L. and may not be used without OUR express consent.

Under no circumstances may use of or access to the CRYPTOTECHFIN Platform be understood as granting the CLIENT the possibility of using the aforementioned trademarks or distinctive signs in any way.

The use, reproduction, distribution, public communication, transformation, making available to the public or any other similar or analogous activity in relation to the content of the CRYPTOTECHFIN Platform is strictly prohibited unless express authorisation has been given by CRYPTO TECHFIN S.L.

If YOU want to link to our Website, the link must be directed to the home page (Home) which can be accessed with a single click and in an absolute manner, i.e. showing the entire Website, including its URL. 

It is expressly forbidden to carry out ¨framings¨ or the use by third parties of any other mechanisms that alter the design, original configuration or contents of the Website.

For any other form of linking you need our consent and we ask you to contact us.


24. Miscellaneous

 Sole Agreement. This AGREEMENT supersedes and replaces all other contracts or agreements, written or oral, concluded between the PARTIES prior to the execution of the AGREEMENT in relation to the same subject matter.

Communications: This AGREEMENT establishes as official channels for communications with customers exclusively those specifically listed in this link (which will be duly updated by CRYPTOTECHFIN):
Any communication made by the CLIENT through a channel other than those included in the document mentioned in the previous paragraph will be considered not to have been made.

 CRYPTOTECHFIN will never communicate with YOU through channels other than those set out as official channels of communication in this AGREEMENT.  In the event that you receive a communication on behalf of CRYPTOTECHFIN through other channels it may be an attempt at fraud and, for YOUR safety, you should disregard it and bring to CRYPTOTECHFIN's attention any suspicious attempt to communicate with YOU on OUR behalf.

Severability. The possible declaration, whether by a judicial or administrative body, of the illegality, invalidity, nullity or unenforceability of any section of this AGREEMENT or part thereof, shall not entail the illegality, invalidity or unenforceability of the remaining provisions or parts thereof, which shall remain valid to the extent applicable, provided that the provisions or part thereof declared illegal, null, invalid or unenforceable are not essential.

Absence of Waiver. The waiver by CRYPTOTECHFIN to demand the performance of any of the obligations set forth in the AGREEMENT, or to exercise any of the rights or actions it has under the AGREEMENT, (a) shall not release the CUSTOMER from the full performance of the remaining obligations contained in the AGREEMENT; and, (b) shall not be understood as a waiver to demand in the future the performance of any obligation or to exercise any rights or actions set forth in the AGREEMENT.

Headings. The headings of the sections of this AGREEMENT are included for clarity and convenience only, but do not form an integral part of this AGREEMENT.

Terms of the AGREEMENT. The terms of this AGREEMENT intentionally written in capital letters shall have the meaning intended by the parties in the Clauses of this AGREEMENT.

Annexes to the AGREEMENT.  The Annexes to this AGREEMENT, if any, form an indivisible part of this AGREEMENT.


25. Applicable law and jurisdiction

The Parties submit for the resolution of any disputes or claims arising from the interpretation or execution of the agreement, including all non-contractual obligations arising from or relating to the agreement, to the jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals of Madrid.


I, BLANCA SARTORIUS ALVARGONZÁLEZ, do hereby certify that I am conversant in the English and Spanish languages, appointed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, and I am a competent sworn translator thereof, and I further certify to the best of my knowledge and belief the foregoing is a true and correct translation of the document in the Spanish language attached hereto.


Doña Blanca Sartorius Alvargonzález, Traductora-Intérprete Jurado de Inglés, nombrada por el Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y de Cooperación, certifica que la que antecede es traducción fiel y completa al español de un documento redactado en inglés. 


Madrid, 25 October 2022.

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